Chapter 83 - Wuming Village

But after Ye Lang’s death, everything changed.
Content Warning:
Nudity. Mentions genocide in the context of the novel.
Translator(s): cyrrene
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Nudity. Mentions genocide in the context of the novel.
Translator(s): cyrrene
Always support our Chicken Lord by buying the original work whenever you can! Link for each platform's guide to purchase the raws can be seen on our FAQs.
Translator's Comment:
Of course, Feitian had to write about a village full of naked men…
Thanks to my husband for editing this chapter! ❤️
This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), cyrrene.
F, 40+, EN&CN. I love birds, going on walks, brewing oolong tea, and reading in the evenings.