Chapter 28 - Moonlit Dagger

“You are still alive. This is what the Heavens have granted me.”
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Translator's Comment:
Ye Cong totally not gay for Geng Yuan.
After this, I might slow or pause releases for a few weeks. My simplified physical copies of the novel came in, and I may want to update some of the earlier chapters for changes in the official publication (that don’t involve censorship). There might also be updates to the Background page. Details will be announced later on Twitter (@cyrrenereads).
Edit: Future updates will be on Tumblr (@cyrrenereads). I’ll be taking a break over the holidays. SYMX translations will resume in the New Year. Thank you all!
Special thanks to Moon (@llwy_jmoon) and @skyarise for suggestions on what happened in some action scenes, and @sassystrawb3rry and @sweetcinnamon for feedback on phrasing in a couple sentences.
This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), cyrrene.
F, 40+, EN&CN. I love birds, going on walks, brewing oolong tea, and reading in the evenings.