Chapter 19 - Treacherous Intentions

The hall fell silent. Jiang Heng declared, “Whoever is still brazen enough to affront His Majesty, take a step forward; he’ll be beheaded on the spot to appease this public indignation.”
Translator(s): cyrrene
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Always support our Chicken Lord by buying the original work whenever you can! Link for each platform's guide to purchase the raws can be seen on our FAQs.
Translator's Comment:
Those envoys are so presumptuous. I can relate to Geng Shu’s impulse to kill them. I love how our little Grand Historian Jiang Heng is so fearless!
Thanks Moon for your help on a question!
This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), cyrrene.
F, 40+, EN&CN. I love birds, going on walks, brewing oolong tea, and reading in the evenings.