Chapter 16 - Astral Jade Arc

Jiang Heng said, “I think you’re just a little bit better than him.” As he spoke, he gestured with his fingers: “Just this little bit more.”
Content Warning:
Bath nudity, mildly inappropriate touching
Translator(s): cyrrene
Always support our Chicken Lord by buying the original work whenever you can! Link for each platform's guide to purchase the raws can be seen on our FAQs.
Bath nudity, mildly inappropriate touching
Translator(s): cyrrene
Always support our Chicken Lord by buying the original work whenever you can! Link for each platform's guide to purchase the raws can be seen on our FAQs.
Translator's Comment:
Jiang Heng, how can you be so cute! Mommy is number one and gege is number two! (。●́‿●̀。)
Special thank you to Moon for help with 文言文 and translating phrases hard to put words to. I also want to thank Sassystrawberry (@SassyStrawb3rry) and Corgi!
This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), cyrrene.
F, 40+, EN&CN. I love birds, going on walks, brewing oolong tea, and reading in the evenings.