Chapter 15 - The Son of Heaven’s Feast

Shan You Mu Xi

“Jiang Heng, have you met your little aunt?”

Content Warning:
Mildly inappropriate touching

Translator(s): cyrrene

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Translator's Comment:

I can’t help feeling sorry for Ji Xun. As a Son of Heaven, he’s living a fairly humble existence, but he’s just used to it now. And Jiang Heng is so earnest and pure, he’s the only one who still tries to observe all the rules. Here’s another cute fan art on Weibo of Geng Shu and Jiang Heng.

Many thanks again to Moon for coming through with your help! And thank you Corgi, Mia (@skyarise), and Ying (@7sweetcinnamon) for your input!

This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), cyrrene.



F, 40+, EN&CN. I love birds, going on walks, brewing oolong tea, and reading in the evenings.