Chapter 3 - Xinyue Fox

Let Go of that Shou

"What ‘brother thief’, I am the Granddaddy of Thieves! It's Sun Bin, and you better remember it."

Translator(s): Ruini
Editor(s): juurensha

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Translator's Comment:

SURPRISE! won’t make you wait another week for the first PA.PA.PA. (a quickie because desperate times call for desperate measures!)

Also, HUGE thank you to Jin and Raikie for being my first ever Ko-fi supporters! The encouragement means more to me than you know <3 Y’all really surprised me because I really doubted anyone would read this novel because of the tags.

And even for people who love crazy tags, this story isn’t the typical, dark angsty type that comes with the territory. THIS SHOULD HAVE ITS OWN SEPARATE TROLL TAG!!


This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), Ruini.



translator of controversial novels that no one wants to read, prefers sick shit that stabs my heart into a bloody pulp, will die alone with her cat sons (hopefully) in a self-built animal sanctuary decades from now.


Fic writer, editor, and translator for GHOFD, PUBG, Fanservice Paradox, and other projects.