Chapter 21 - Weihuo Tiger

Let Go of that Shou

Translator(s): Ruini
Editor(s): juurensha

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Translator's Comment:

hey guys, i’m sorry for the delay! you ever feel like too much is happening that you don’t have the energy to even talk about it? In the last month I started summer school courses in college (cramming a semester into 1 month), an elderly cat we rescued off the streets began to have emergency health issues, my elderly dog’s health began to rapidly deteriorate and we think he’s going to have to be put down, I moved from Los Angeles to New York (Brooklyn) with my 2 cats, and in person school started. Just moved in last week and still acclimating, luckily the hurricane didn’t flood my apartment or anything. All of this impacted my mental health for obvious reasons. This was the last chapter I had and nothing has been translated after this, so the updates won’t be week by week like they used to be. I need to try to build at least a one chapter buffer, but wanted to release this whole chapter since it’s been 4 weeks since the last.

This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), Ruini.



translator of controversial novels that no one wants to read, prefers sick shit that stabs my heart into a bloody pulp, will die alone with her cat sons (hopefully) in a self-built animal sanctuary decades from now.


Fic writer, editor, and translator for GHOFD, PUBG, Fanservice Paradox, and other projects.