Chapter 149.2 - Q & A

Seizing Dreams

On this quiet, snowy night, he didn’t know why but what he remembered most clearly was Huang Ting’s back on the motorcycle. Zhou Sheng had drove him before on a bike, and Huang Ting had driven him too; what he felt with Zhou Sheng was his heart palpitating and the feeling of love, but on the back seat of Huang Ting’s motorcycle, the feeling he got was more direct and more impactful as well.

Translator(s): Zryuu
Editor(s): juurensha

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Translator's Comment:

Juurensha: I hope Huang Ting will be okay….

This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), Caro.



Fic writer, editor, and translator for GHOFD, PUBG, Fanservice Paradox, and other projects.