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Password Server

In order to access our translations, please visit our password server. You can get the invite by filling in our Google Form.

To clarify as to why we have our entire site on a password-protected mode, it is due to the new international publication notice by JJ. We're doing this as a preventive measure in case our translations are misused by any third-party, because as of now, there is no way for those who lived outside of CN/TW/HK to even make their so-called translator account. This policy is effective until we've at least figured out which novels are affected by the changes, or until JJ shares more details regarding their new international site. Summary can be read here.

Feitian Discord Server

Fei-ge's Chicken Signature Interested in joining the hub of the Feitian fandom?

Want to find all the scattered adaptations, get the goodies hidden deep within the earth's crust, or just a place to scream?

Wish to ask the translator for a retranslation request to another language?

Or maybe have any suggestions regarding the site?

Perhaps... want to help us translating one of his novels? (PLEASE)

You can find many of us on the Feitian Discord, where we talk about novels and life and sometimes have game nights! Most of the translation updates are also posted there. Please note that this is a general server that is not limited to Chicken Gege-hosted novels. We're currently not giving out the public link to this server, but you can find them on the same server as above.

Contact Us

Interested in helping out, be it joining a translation team, wanting to pick up a new project or posting yours here, adding more content, reporting problems, or any other way, but don't have Discord? Fill out this form instead!